Natalia López Merchán (Spain/Tourism) and Willem Sodderland (Netherlands/Food industry)

After some experience in running a start-up for two years, I had the opportunity to land into a 5 years old start-up. I saw many similarities but mainly I learned many things on how they work that I can use for my own company in the future. Basically, that is what this program is about, putting together entrepreneurs so they both can learn and help each other. So I totally encourage other entrepreneurs that seek for learning and also wide their network to do this program. Weiterlesen …

Barbara Vogrinčič (Slovenia/Health) and Jasmina Apostolović (Netherlands/Health)

Barbara Vogrinčič (NE): “Information “How to run your own business” I might get during studying management books. But to see a passionate and successful entrepreneur how he/she can manage everything to run smoothly, it is needed to be on the front-line. For a new entrepreneur it is very important to have connections and opportunities, which can help establish an enterprise and later on make it successful. EYE is one of the opportunities, which is good to exploit. Not only because of first-hand knowledge, but also because of business ties with companies abroad.” Weiterlesen …

Francisco Valenzuela (Spain/Digital marketing) and Sander Schreven (Netherlands/IT) – Corona Story

I am from Spain and I was doing an exchange in Eindhoven, Netherlands.
I was working there a month and a half, until the coronavirus situation worsened and I had to go back.
My last two weeks I was working remotely, we did Skype calls to organize the tasks and we shared our work on google drive. I think it is important to set a schedule to do your tasks since there is no one to supervise you daily. I also recommend trying to keep in touch with your coworkers with tools like skype, zoom, whatsapp groups, google drive… Weiterlesen …

Victoria Gosling (Germany/Publishing) and Lieke Kessels (Netherlands/Publishing)

Victoria Gosling (HE) valued the impact the relationship had on The Reader as very satisfying and positive, as all of the set objectives were met during the stay and Lieke (NE) showed a high level of commitment to her work for The Reader Berlin. Victoria was able to gain useful knowledge in the field of PR and marketing through this collaboration. Due to the excellent working relationship both entrepreneurs had, the two intend to stay in contact and hope to develop the Lieke’s business through future cooperation with the possibility of subcontracting. Weiterlesen …

Medeja Kenda (Slovenia/Hospitality) and Tina Batistuta (Netherlands/Travel Services)

Medeja Kenda: “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Program definitely gave me certain width. I was exposed to different business and work environments and further, I had an opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneur and got in touch with new approaches of work. Moreover, I improved my network which is especially nowadays very important. I would definitely encourage other new entrepreneurs to participate in the program. It is a life time opportunity to self-invest and better prepare yourself for your own business path.” Weiterlesen …

Paul Gevers (Netherlands/Travel) and Markus Espeter (Germany/Engineering)

Paul Gevers: “Collaboration with young entrepreneurs gives you the
chance to see your business from another point of view and to gain some fresh input. I was likely to give Markus an insight on how the East African business works, especially in terms of challenges and impacts of governmental bureaucracy when you own a company that is based in Europe.” Weiterlesen …

Victoria Gosling (Germany) and Gijs Van Koningsveld (Netherlands) both in the publishing sector

NE Testimonial: “I learned so much from my exchange. I developed new skills, gained professional confidence, and expanded my network with new contacts from all over Europe. Victoria gave me a head start with the founding of my own company and made me feel welcome in a city that has Weiterlesen …