Checklist for New Entrepreneurs – 8 – After your stay abroad

After your stay abroad

⑧ After your stay abroad

  • You will receive a link by email to complete your final activity report in the IT-Tool which is mainly a questionnaire. Please remind your HE to complete his/her report, as well.
  • Please complete it in “one go” as the database has no cache memory and the session ends after a short period without further notice, so that your data might get lost. Another option is to click the “save” button every few minutes.

To save time, please enter your text feedback in another document first, then copy / paste it into the official report form and finally submit it directly.

  • You can check the further support opportunities (EU-wide and for your home country) for developing further your business
  • You can imagine to become a host for a young entrepreneur in the future? Get in touch about this with your IO!
After your stay abroad