Jane Woods (UK, IT) and Raivo Akgun (Spain, IT retail)

picture: Marvin Meyer on Unsplash New Entrepreneur (NE): Name & surname: Raivo AkgunCountry: SpainAge: 25Sector of activity: IT retailDid you already start your business? No Host Entrepreneur (HE): Name & surname: Jane WoodsCountry: United KIngdomSector of activity: ITName of business/website: IT CitySolutions LTD Period of exchange: 01/09/20203 – 31/01/2024Duration of Weiterlesen …

Katja Kotnik Prosenjak (Slovenia/Creative Industry) and Luke Foy (UK/Creative Industry)

Katja Kotnik Prosenjak: “After 6 years of experience in the film industry and management of film events, I felt ready to share my knowledge with others. I was looking for a young dynamic person who would show enthusiasm for cinema. Luke showed all these qualities and more: he had a very positive impact on our team and – I dare to say – on the entire SHOTS film festival community during his stay with us.” Weiterlesen …