Alessia Sebillo (Belgium, Social Economy) and Maksims Fedosejevs (Latvia, Mobility and Social Economy)

picture: John Matychuk on Unsplash New Entrepreneur (NE): Name & surname: Maksims FedosejevsCountry: LatviaAge: 23Sector of activity: Mobility / Social EconomyDid you already start your business? NoName of business/website: Space4ParkingWhat is your future business? Space4Parking is Airbnb analog but for parking spaces. The app helps drivers rent parking spaces. Host Weiterlesen …

Erato Chatzimichalaki (Greece, NGO and education) and Rihards Demiters (Latvia, sustainable farming and education)

NE Rihards Demiters and HE Erato Chatzimichalaki New Entrepreneur (NE): Name & surname: Rihards DemitersCountry: LatviaAge: 30Sector of activity: sustainable farming and educationDid you already start your business? NoWhat is your future business? Teaching sustainability, eco farming and eco construction on an eco farm Host Entrepreneur (HE): Name & surname: Weiterlesen …

Luka Ažman (Slovenia, photo and video production) and Ausma Cirulniece (Latvia, photography)

picture: Harry Cunningham on Unsplash New Entrepreneur (NE): Name & surname: Ausma CirulnieceCountry: LatviaAge: 27Sector of activity: Media production, photographyDid you already start your business? YesName of business/website: Ausma photos, Host Entrepreneur (HE): Name & surname: Luka AžmanCountry: SloveniaSector of activity: Photo and video productionExperience in running a business Weiterlesen …

Marco Altea (Italy, Apps and accessibility) and Anete Bertholde (Latvia, Human Rights)

picture: Yomex Owo on Unsplash New Entrepreneur (NE): Name & surname: Anete BertholdeCountry: LatviaAge: 32Sector of activity: human rights NGODid you already start your business? No Host Entrepreneur (HE): Name & surname: Marco AlteaCountry: ItalySector of activity: Apps and accessibilityName of business/website: WhableWhat is your business? Whable is a digital Weiterlesen …

Claudio Caponigro (Italy, event services) and Arina Amalija Belova (Latvia, photography)

picture: Alexander Dummer on Unsplash New Entrepreneur (NE): Name & surname: Arina Amalija BelovaCountry: LatviaAge: 24Sector of activity: photographyDid you already start your business? NoWhat is your future business? Photography studio Host Entrepreneur (HE): Name & surname: Claudio CaponigroCountry: ItalyName of business/website: Controluce s.a.s. Period of exchange: 10/07/2023 – 05/01/2024Duration Weiterlesen …

Marko Drpić (Slovenia/Training Services) and Agate Lielpetere (Latvia/Graphic Design)

Marko Drpič (HE): “Agate came to me for entrepreneurial training as an illustrator and surprised me because she proposed an interesting entrepreneurial idea to include haiku design in her training program in addition to acquiring entrepreneurial competencies and knowledge. Agate designed and produced a series of haiku on the subject of truckers. She drew ideas for this from a collection of clichés and created an interesting series of haiku that combines design, print and poetry. This kind of entrepreneurial exchange was a great experience for me, beyond all expectations.” Weiterlesen …

Monika Marija Messinga (Latvia/Advertising and media) and James Beckley (Spain/Tourism)

Monika Marija Messinga (NE): “I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who feels that they are a little stuck in time because this is a great opportunity to develop themselves, gain new knowledge, make new friends, as well as get to know a new country, another part of the world. This is an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and help yourself find yourself. It will help you achieve your dreams. May you succeed!” Weiterlesen …

Jānis Berzins (Latvia/Real Estate) and Jesper Bjerring Ørum (Denmark/Energy)

Jānis Berzins (NE): “If you are still thinking about applying for Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, answer two questions – what is the worst that can happen and what is the best that can happen as a result of the exchange? This way you can quickly come to the conclusion that there is no reason not to try this program yourself and look into the global marketplace to bring your ideas to light with the help of an experienced entrepreneur.” Weiterlesen …

Sergejs Andrejevs (Latvia/Education and training services) and Maria Grazia Pirina (Italy/Education and training services)

Sergejs (NE): “This program gave me the opportunity I would not get in another way. Six months that I spent in exchange was the biggest learning opportunity in my life to gain knowledge, skills, attitude regarding my entrepreneurial idea.
There were many things that I learnt during my exchange, but the biggest and most important for me was to learn how to create an educational program and deliver it to target groups. Other learnings were how to write and implement projects, how to lead people around you, how to be an entrepreneur, etc.
There was a never-ending learning process, which will not end by ending the exchange, but will go further with the next months, years by practicing knowledge, skills and attitudes that I got during my exchange.” Weiterlesen …

Martins Mackevics (Latvia/Short-term rental) and Tomas Grias (Lithuania/Short-term rental)

Martins Mackevics (NE): “If you have an opportunity to join the EYE program, I would highly recommend going for it. It’s a great way of getting out of your comfort zone while working in a new country and new environment. However, take your time to find a HE that’s right for you as it’s the most important relationship you’ll build during the program. You also need to be deeply passionate about the field where the company operates, in order to get the most out of the experience.” Weiterlesen …