Jane Woods (UK, IT) and Raivo Akgun (Spain, IT retail)

picture: Marvin Meyer on Unsplash New Entrepreneur (NE): Name & surname: Raivo AkgunCountry: SpainAge: 25Sector of activity: IT retailDid you already start your business? No Host Entrepreneur (HE): Name & surname: Jane WoodsCountry: United KIngdomSector of activity: ITName of business/website: IT CitySolutions LTD Period of exchange: 01/09/20203 – 31/01/2024Duration of Weiterlesen …

Marco Sparicio (Spain, Investment and education) and Jonas Balcerzak (Germany, IT)

NE Jonas Balcerzak and HE Marco Sparicio New Entrepreneur (NE): Name & surname: Jonas BalcerzakCountry: GermanyAge: 22Sector of activity: Camping AppDid you already start your business? NoName of business/website: CampTales Host Entrepreneur (HE): Name & surname: Marco SparicioCountry: SpainSector of activity: Investments / EducationExperience in running a business (in years): Weiterlesen …

Giulia Celli (Italy, Education) and Jonathan Pochini (Spain, IT and Education)

I recommend this exchange to anyone looking to expand their knowledge of entrepreneurship, widen their perspective with new ideas, and find valuable coworkers. It has been invaluable in helping me refine my business vision, shaping my long-term strategy, and advancing the development of my business. Weiterlesen …

Clarke Richard (Spain, IT) and Ema Ilic (Croatia, Machine Learning / IT)

The cooperation brought about several benefits, for the NE as well as for the HE. Namely, the HE felt aided in his activities, and had help on the project for his client from a NE who has experience with Machine Learning. On the other hand, the NE learnt from experience about the daily realities of a small company, from talking to the client all the way to actually delivering a project. Weiterlesen …

Nina Goriaeva (Slovenia/Sustainability, Webdesign) and Marko Vuković (Croatia/Sustainability, Webdesign)

Nina Goriaeva (NE): “After this exchange I realized that starting my own business is going to become reality, even though it seemed as something vague and complicated. I’m going to establish my business once the idea is tested and corrected. This Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchange gave me an opportunity to try the role of an entrepreneur without any risks, to learn many new things, to gain new great experience, to live abroad. And despite the difficulties I faced, this exchange was a success.” Weiterlesen …

Dóra Balogh (Hungary/Advertising, Marketing) and Alfonso Rodriguez-Lecuona (Spain/IT)

Thanks to Dóra’s (NE) creation of a Marketing Strategy for Alfonso‘s (HE) business and her gathered information relating to new digital tools, indicators, and co-working offices in Gran Canaria, Alfonso expects a better online appearance and brand awareness of his business after the exchange. Alfonso’s business further benefits from Dóra‘s investigation of co-working offices in Gran Canaria since Alfonso is planning to extend its business towards the other Canary Islands. Weiterlesen …