Pavlo Osypenko (Slovakia, Social Media) and Karina Mucciacito (Spain, Education)

“I highly appreciate this chance to put everything I know about digital marketing and video production into practice. Without this opportunity, it would have taken me a long time to practice with all the knowledge and equipment that Language Campus provided. This environment was a perfect preparation for my upcoming entrepreneurial journey.” Weiterlesen …

Monika Marija Messinga (Latvia/Advertising and media) and James Beckley (Spain/Tourism)

Monika Marija Messinga (NE): “I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who feels that they are a little stuck in time because this is a great opportunity to develop themselves, gain new knowledge, make new friends, as well as get to know a new country, another part of the world. This is an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and help yourself find yourself. It will help you achieve your dreams. May you succeed!” Weiterlesen …

Valentina Vergara (Spain/Sustainable agriculture) and Ana Castro (Portugal/Culture)

Valentina de Jesús Cergara Covelli (NE): “The Erasmus for young entrepreneurs (EYE) program has been an amazing experience! I had the opportunity to meet and share ideas and skills with an experienced and passionate HE, Ana Castro, who taught me what it means to run a business in the real world, as well as the chance to perfect my business plan, acquire new knowledge, discover a new country and make new contacts. Despite the current situation due to the pandemic, we found a way to reinvent and to concretize new ways of working, having a productive relationship until the very last day.” Weiterlesen …

Dóra Balogh (Hungary/Advertising, Marketing) and Alfonso Rodriguez-Lecuona (Spain/IT)

Thanks to Dóra’s (NE) creation of a Marketing Strategy for Alfonso‘s (HE) business and her gathered information relating to new digital tools, indicators, and co-working offices in Gran Canaria, Alfonso expects a better online appearance and brand awareness of his business after the exchange. Alfonso’s business further benefits from Dóra‘s investigation of co-working offices in Gran Canaria since Alfonso is planning to extend its business towards the other Canary Islands. Weiterlesen …

Chiara Cogliati (Italy/Marketing) and Jonathan Pochini (Spain/Education)

Jonathan Pochini (HE): “I now have a better understanding of how Paid Advertising works and I also gained useful insights for the marketing of my project. On top of that, I found it quite rewarding sharing my network of professional connections with the NE for the benefit of her education and professional growth.” Weiterlesen …

Maja Kaninska (Serbia/Communication) and Milutin Jošić (Slovenia/Consulting, Marketing, and Communication)

Milutin Jošič (HE): “At the very beginning, young entrepreneurs need to get confidence through knowledge and practical experience on the field. Maja is a hard-working person, very focused and goal-oriented, with excellent analytical and communication skills. It was a unique opportunity for me to mentor her. The best reward was when I noticed how she was gradually becoming more and more independent and self-confident while she was fastly learning both in our office and on the field. After six months of exchange, she is ready to run her own business, and it will be my pleasure to continue collaborating with her on a professional level in the coming months.” Weiterlesen …

Mathias Haas (Austria/Advertising) and Vesselina Runkwitz (Germany/Advertising)

Erasmus and going abroad is one of the most valuable things to experience life and work in another country, not just for the own business but also for yourself. The European Union has set an extraordinary example with the Erasmus program not only for students but also for entrepreneurs. Weiterlesen …

Tjaša Zornik (Slovenia/Web and grahic design, digital marketing) and Urška Starc-Peceny (Austria/Communication and storytelling)

How did HE Urška Starc-Peceny profit from the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme? Supported by Tjaša’s design skills, it was possible to visualize concepts in a very innovative way. She was able to listen, consult and finally transform an idea into a professional-looking graphic, a process to an infographic. A good quality visual presentation made it easier to communicate their ideas to the public. As a passionate communicator, Urška profited from Tjaša’s fresh ideas and perspectives in relation to ongoing projects. Weiterlesen …

Carla Congiu (Italy, Health and Wellness) and Oscar Torres (Spain/Marketing)

Carla Congiu (NE): “International experiences open your mind. Working with professionals from different countries can give you the competences and different points of view on how to do business. The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs has been a priceless learning experience.” Weiterlesen …