Veronika Hozjan (Slovenia/Animation) and José Mª Fernandez de Vega (Spain/Animation)

Veronika Hozjan (NE): “Thanks to the EYE program, I have been able to learn new skills to put into practice in my own business that have contributed not only to my professional but also to my personal growth. I had an opportunity to learn from an experienced entrepreneur and got in touch with new approaches of work. I would encourage other entrepreneurs to participate in this program, since it is very productive, enjoyable and offers you many possibilities to advance and grow.” Weiterlesen …

Simon Becker (Germany/Graphic Design) and Tiago Araújo (Portugal/Illustration, Animation and Fine Arts)

Both entrepreneurs have greatly benefitted from the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme. Simon Becker was not only able to meet the young and dedicated entrepreneur Tiago Araújo who had new ideas for his company, but also profited from the exchange of personal views and skillsets as well as the widening of work perspectives. To him and his team, the collaboration with an entrepreneur from a different specialization in their sector and from a different European country was very pleasant and valuable. Overall, they have managed to make this relationship successful in spite of the challenges they faced due to COVID-19. Weiterlesen …