Virginio Morabito (Luxembourg, Event Organization) and Mitał Łukasz (Poland, Tourism)

This journey has not only enriched my business but also broadened my perspective on entrepreneurship. Through living this tale, I’ve not just grown as an entrepreneur, but as an individual who believes in the power of dreams and connections. The program has served as a confirmation, solidifying my commitment to my chosen path and enhancing my drive to shape a brighter future. Weiterlesen …

Krystyna Stawicka (Poland/Education & Training) and Victoria Carreras (Spain/Co-Working)

The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program was an amazing opportunity for both entrepreneurs. They are very happy that there are projects like this. Krystyna has recommended this program to numerous people. It was an amazing opportunity to create this one-to-one relationship as an equal partnership and both have gained a valuable partnership for their projects. Weiterlesen …

Torcuato Luca de Tena (Spain/Digital transformation) and Magdalena Rędziniak (Poland/Human Resources)

Due to the pandemic crisis we are going through worldwide, HE Torcuato Luca de Tena and NE Magdalena Rędziniak are working remotely, although, as Torcuato indicates, this situation has not had a negative impact on them since, in general, they work online. From the first day on they have established a routine, as they meet through video calls with most of the employees in the morning and then in the afternoon. According to the employer, “the performance is very good”. Weiterlesen …