Marco Altea (Italy, Apps and accessibility) and Anete Bertholde (Latvia, Human Rights)

picture: Yomex Owo on Unsplash New Entrepreneur (NE): Name & surname: Anete BertholdeCountry: LatviaAge: 32Sector of activity: human rights NGODid you already start your business? No Host Entrepreneur (HE): Name & surname: Marco AlteaCountry: ItalySector of activity: Apps and accessibilityName of business/website: WhableWhat is your business? Whable is a digital Weiterlesen …

Sergejs Andrejevs (Latvia/Education and training services) and Maria Grazia Pirina (Italy/Education and training services)

Sergejs (NE): “This program gave me the opportunity I would not get in another way. Six months that I spent in exchange was the biggest learning opportunity in my life to gain knowledge, skills, attitude regarding my entrepreneurial idea.
There were many things that I learnt during my exchange, but the biggest and most important for me was to learn how to create an educational program and deliver it to target groups. Other learnings were how to write and implement projects, how to lead people around you, how to be an entrepreneur, etc.
There was a never-ending learning process, which will not end by ending the exchange, but will go further with the next months, years by practicing knowledge, skills and attitudes that I got during my exchange.” Weiterlesen …

Antonio García Cazorla (Spain/NGO) and Adriano Difronzo (Italy/NGO)

For a few years Antonio García Cazorla has been thinking about the possibility of creating an association that works for equality and social activism locally and internationally. After his international experiences within the Erasmus + program and his studies in psychology and equality he decided to make this a reality, however, despite his knowledge and experience he did not have practical knowledge on how to manage an organization in a proper way. During the last year he discovered the opportunity that Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs offered through an Erasmus + mobility in which he took part. He saw it as an opportunity to take the last step to bring this project to reality. Weiterlesen …