Marco Sparicio (Spain, Investment and education) and Jonas Balcerzak (Germany, IT)

NE Jonas Balcerzak and HE Marco Sparicio New Entrepreneur (NE): Name & surname: Jonas BalcerzakCountry: GermanyAge: 22Sector of activity: Camping AppDid you already start your business? NoName of business/website: CampTales Host Entrepreneur (HE): Name & surname: Marco SparicioCountry: SpainSector of activity: Investments / EducationExperience in running a business (in years): Weiterlesen …

Manar Abdelhameed (Germany, Training & Digitalization) and Haytham Kamel Badawy (Luxembourg, Training Services)

Despite the fact that each person I met has his own success fingerprint, there was something in common. Listening to all the stories of how these big entities started from an idea and with consistency of working and continuously improving and adjusting, they could achieve their step of the success ladder they aimed for. Weiterlesen …

Leonardo Cocucci (Italy/Sustainable Tourism) and Stephanie Maher (Germany/Tourism)

Leonardo Cocucci (NE): “In order to be successful in your business, it is very important to share experience and knowledge with people that have similar goals like you. For these reasons, the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program is a great tool to get new ideas and get inspired by others.“ Weiterlesen …

Antonella Berta (Germany/Entertainment) and Simona Camporesi (Spain/Editing, Ghostwriting)

Simona Camporesi (HE): “It was my first experience as a teacher and it was challenging, beautiful and inspiring. Antonella helped me a lot to build some inner work instruments, taught me about dramaturgy skills and gave me a different and really precious point of view about my work. I hope to repeat the experience as soon as possible!” Weiterlesen …

Giovanni De Feo (Italy/Entertainment) and John Neilan (Germany/Coworking, Sustainability, Social Entrepreneurship)

John Neilan (HE): “An interesting experience with a very motivated and high-energy NE who brought new ideas and concepts to our coworking space which ultimately have contributed to an overall improvement to what the business produces and provides its customers. We hope the relationship also provided the NE with new impulses from which he could learn. An overall positive experience.” Weiterlesen …