Luka Ažman (Slovenia, photo and video production) and Ausma Cirulniece (Latvia, photography)

picture: Harry Cunningham on Unsplash New Entrepreneur (NE): Name & surname: Ausma CirulnieceCountry: LatviaAge: 27Sector of activity: Media production, photographyDid you already start your business? YesName of business/website: Ausma photos, Host Entrepreneur (HE): Name & surname: Luka AžmanCountry: SloveniaSector of activity: Photo and video productionExperience in running a business Weiterlesen …

Martina Vrankas (Slovenia, Architecture) and Josè Oliviera (Portugal, Architecture)

Ms. Martina Vrankar gained a new set of skills in the fields of business management, financial management, and marketing in a short period of time. The EYE exchange will benefit her future business by providing knowledge transfer structure of management organization of the architectural office and the rehabilitation processes of build heritage. Weiterlesen …

Mitja Bitenc (Slovenia/Restaurant & Social entrepreneurship) and Vladimir Pavić (Croatia/Education & training services)

Mitja Bitenc (HE): “As with hosting my previous NEs I wanted to offer to Vladimir the best of my entrepreneurial knowledge and know-how gained during all my years of being an entrepreneur. In these difficult COVID-19 period I had to survive as my restaurant was closed. So, Vladimir witnessed from me dos and do nots of running a restaurant in extraordinary circumstances and starting other business services like pasta production and sale. On the other hand, Vladimir was at that time of great support to me and I benefited from his resourcefulness, diligence, reliability and jovial spirit.” Weiterlesen …

Marko Drpić (Slovenia/Training Services) and Agate Lielpetere (Latvia/Graphic Design)

Marko Drpič (HE): “Agate came to me for entrepreneurial training as an illustrator and surprised me because she proposed an interesting entrepreneurial idea to include haiku design in her training program in addition to acquiring entrepreneurial competencies and knowledge. Agate designed and produced a series of haiku on the subject of truckers. She drew ideas for this from a collection of clichés and created an interesting series of haiku that combines design, print and poetry. This kind of entrepreneurial exchange was a great experience for me, beyond all expectations.” Weiterlesen …

Veronika Hozjan (Slovenia/Animation) and José Mª Fernandez de Vega (Spain/Animation)

Veronika Hozjan (NE): “Thanks to the EYE program, I have been able to learn new skills to put into practice in my own business that have contributed not only to my professional but also to my personal growth. I had an opportunity to learn from an experienced entrepreneur and got in touch with new approaches of work. I would encourage other entrepreneurs to participate in this program, since it is very productive, enjoyable and offers you many possibilities to advance and grow.” Weiterlesen …

Nina Goriaeva (Slovenia/Sustainability, Webdesign) and Marko Vuković (Croatia/Sustainability, Webdesign)

Nina Goriaeva (NE): “After this exchange I realized that starting my own business is going to become reality, even though it seemed as something vague and complicated. I’m going to establish my business once the idea is tested and corrected. This Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchange gave me an opportunity to try the role of an entrepreneur without any risks, to learn many new things, to gain new great experience, to live abroad. And despite the difficulties I faced, this exchange was a success.” Weiterlesen …

Sara Idzig (Slovenia/Health and wellness) and Dimitrios Zachos (Greece/Health and Wellness)

Sara Idzig (NE): “Having a chance to learn from the experienced entrepreneur who happened to work in the same field as my profession is, was a not-to-miss opportunity for me. I was not sure what to expect but I got exactly what I needed, not only for my professional development but also for my personal growth. My fears, doubts, and questions around ‘how’ to become a successful young entrepreneur were grounded through this monthly exchange. I strongly believe that it is through relationships that we exist, develop, and become. And it is only now that I am starting to understand that the same logic is true in business. I am grateful for EYE and the HE and I hope Greek-Slovenian collaboration extends past the dates planned for future projects with the HE.” Weiterlesen …