Alessia Sebillo (Belgium, Social Economy) and Maksims Fedosejevs (Latvia, Mobility and Social Economy)

picture: John Matychuk on Unsplash New Entrepreneur (NE): Name & surname: Maksims FedosejevsCountry: LatviaAge: 23Sector of activity: Mobility / Social EconomyDid you already start your business? NoName of business/website: Space4ParkingWhat is your future business? Space4Parking is Airbnb analog but for parking spaces. The app helps drivers rent parking spaces. Host Weiterlesen …

Carolina Lechado (Spain/Engineering) and Juan Manuel Revuelta (Belgium/Consulting)

Carolina Lechado (NE): “Thanks to the EYE program, I have been able to learn new skills to put into practice in my own business that have contributed not only to my professional but also to my personal growth. I would encourage other entrepreneurs to participate in this program, since it is very productive, enjoyable and offers you many possibilities to advance and grow.” Weiterlesen …

Giuseppina Vampo (Belgium/Sustainable Tourism) and Emilia Blasi (Italy/Organic Agriculture)

Giuseppina Vampo (NE): “Flexibility has surely been the best practice I learned during this period: even when facing the most frightening and unexpected events, in order to go ahead and don’t lose all the work and efforts made until that point, the only thing to do in my opinion is ADAPT our objectives and skills to the new situation, without losing positivity and confidence in the future.” Weiterlesen …

Marija Bumbak (Croatia/Education) and Marko Paunović (Belgium/Social Entrepreneurship)

Marko Paunović (HE): “The experience was very positive, even though the pandemic had a negative impact on our daily work and cooperation. Marija – as a dedicated team member and advocate for a more dynamic and innovative Europe – was a great asset to Out of the Box International. We will continue working on her business plan. One Erasmus + project was approved also thanks to Marija’s contribution.” Weiterlesen …

Frantz Ducci (Belgium/Horse Breeding) and Susanna Cremaschi (Italy/Horse Breeding)

This time, the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme brings us to explore the exchange between Frantz Ducci, from Belgium, and Susanna Cremaschi, from Italy, respectively host and new entrepreneurs.
Belgium is far over its clichés and has surprises in store for everyone. This is the case of a very specific sector in which Belgium stands as one of the main leaders in Europe; and probably only professionals and enthusiasts are aware about it. We are talking about horses and their breeding, training and trade. Weiterlesen …

Dominique Bogaert (Belgium/Law) and Lavinia Panerai (Italy/Law)

This time, the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme brings us to explore Ms. Dominique Bogaert’s opinion. She is partner lawyer at the well-known Daldewolf Law Firm in Brussels and member of the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce, besides participating in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme as Host Entrepreneur. She has been hosting Lavinia Panerai since September, a young lawyer from Italy seeking to run a multidisciplinary law firm on her own. Weiterlesen …