Dominique Bogaert (Belgium/Law) and Lavinia Panerai (Italy/Law)

Lavinia Panerai and Dominique Bogaert

Background information of NE
Name & surname: Lavinia Panerai
Country: Italy
Sector of activity: Law

Background information of HE
Name & surname: Dominique Bogaert
Country: Belgium
Sector of activity: Law
Experience in running a business: 10 years
Name of business / Website: Daldewolf /

Period of Relationship: 30/09/2019 – 24/01/2020
Duration of Relationship: 4 months

Law Firms are never seen as real businesses. In the common imagination, legal consultancy is the only activity they conduct. Yet, a relevant entrepreneurial component underlies the everyday work in this sector.

This time, the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme brings us to explore Ms. Dominique Bogaert’s opinion. She is partner lawyer at the well-known Daldewolf Law Firm in Brussels and member of the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce, besides participating in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme as Host Entrepreneur. She has been hosting Lavinia Panerai since September, a young lawyer from Italy seeking to run a multidisciplinary law firm on her own.

We asked Dominique Bogaert some questions about her entrepreneurial exchange.

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