
For the building process of the relationship the New Entrepreneur and the Host Entrepreneur have to prepare a commitment together.
The commitment covers the following aspects.

Planned start date:
Planned end date:
Duration of stay in months:

Objectives: (only 2000 characters allowed)

  • What are the common goals for this exchange?
  • New Entrepreneur (NE):
    Which goals does the NE pursue for his/her own startup (idea) during the exchange?
    What can be learned/gained from the HE, which makes this specific relationship unique?
  • Host Entrepreneur (HE):
    Which goals does the HE pursue for his/her own company during the exchange?
    What can be learned/gained from the NE, which makes this specific relationship unique?

Description of work/learning project: (only 2000 characters allowed)

  • Please give a summary of the focus during the exchange, and a description of the work that will be carried out for both sides.
  • Please highlight how you are planning to collaborate.

Activity plan (on a monthly basis; on a weekly basis if stay is shorter than 3 months): (only 2000 characters allowed)

  • Which activities will be performed by NE (independently and with support of HE)?
  • How will the HE mentor the NE?
    – NE does xy; NE supports aspect xy of HE’s business; NE helps HE with xy;
    – HE helps NE with xy; HE supports aspect xy of NE’s business development;
    – HE mentors NE in aspect xy; HE provides feedback to NE in area xy

Expected outcomes: (only 2000 characters allowed)

  • NE:
    Which results does the NE expect to achieve for himself/herself and his/her startup?
    Which results are unique because of special facilities of the HE?
  • HE:
    Which results does the HE expect to have achieved in his/her own company after the exchange?
    Which results are unique because of special facilities of the NE?