New Entrepreneur (NE):
Name & surname: Antonio García Cazorla
Country: Spain
Age: 25
Sector of activity: NGO
Did you already start your business? No
What is your future business? NGO for international cooperation and equality
Host Entrepreneur (HE):
Name & surname: Adriano Difronzo
Country: Italy
Sector of activity: NGO
Experience in running a business: 8 years
Name of business/website: EUROSUD. http://eurosud.info/contact/
What is your business? NGO for international cooperation
Period of exchange: 10/02/2020 – 10/06/2020
Duration of exchange: 4 months
How did Antonio García Cazorla and Adriano Difronzo benefit from the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme?
For a few years Antonio has been thinking about the possibility of creating an association that works for equality and social activism locally and internationally. After his international experiences within the Erasmus + program and his studies in psychology and equality he decided to make this a reality, however, despite his knowledge and experience he did not have practical knowledge on how to manage an organization in a proper way. During the last year he discovered the opportunity that Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs offered through an Erasmus + mobility in which he took part. He saw it as an opportunity to take the last step to bring this project to reality.
It was not long after he enrolled in the program that the relationship between Adriano Difronzo, Hosting Entrepreneur (HE), and Antonio, New Entrepreneur (NE), was created. The organization Adriano chairs, Eurosud, is based on the same idea that NE will carry out in him own organization. With the experience that preceded Adriano in the field, Antonio did not doubt that an organization like Eurosud was what he was looking for to carry out him Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.
During these four months Antonio developed many capacities within the organization, he has learned to develop and create quality projects for social activism, he has learned to lead an organization and a team, how to create an organization from scratch and the different obstacles that arise. He has created strategic alliances that will help him to develop all the potential that his organization has. Antonio consider that the greatest achievement he has acquired in these four months have been understood the reality that he faces when creating an organization, both with its negative and positive points.
During the stay abroad of the NE, Italy have had to face the Covid-19 pandemic, this has changed the way and structure of work throughout all the stay, however they have achieved both to meet their objectives. New technologies and constant communication have allowed them to mitigate the impact of this situation.
Now that the stay of Antonio in Italy ends he can say that his goals have been met, his organization will be a reality in a few weeks and he is clear about what he is facing, what his goals are, how to achieve them effectively and with the support of an international organization network through the alliances created during his stay in Italy.
For his part, Adriano’s association was involved in EYE programme since 3 years so far so they ask their self “why should you host a new entrepreneur at EURSUD?”
Hosting not only gives the entrepreneur an amazing opportunity to learn about life and work in the NGO management and third sector, but it also brings an array of benefits to the company as well.
“As a host employer, we always are confident that the new entrepreneur who participate in our program are qualified in their field and motivated by clear goals. They are also dedicated to learning about Italian culture and values, as well as sharing the culture and values of their home country. Their fresh perspectives and new ideas invigorate our employees, and many host employers tell us that they learn as much as they teach”.
Furthermore, as Adriano says “In case of hosting Antonio from Spain, many of our local volunteers find that they had such a wonderful experience that they continue to stay in touch. International new entrepreneur as Antonio, bring a variety of cross-cultural benefits to your workplace – including proficiency in foreign languages. With different education, experience, and insights, they also bring a global perspective to the business”.
As hosting entity, they have been providing cultural exchange opportunities for more than 3 years so far. They have a thorough understanding of all the regulations and procedures involved in international internships and entrepreneur programs, and they know how to keep the process simple thanks to the local point both in Italy and sending country, always ready to help and support with any issues might arise.
So, “in order to sup up, to host young entrepreneur from another country not only gives an incredible opportunity to learn about living and working in Italy, but it also provides the hosting team with new perspectives and intercultural insights”.