Pavlo Osypenko (Slovakia, Social Media) and Karina Mucciacito (Spain, Education)

NE Pavlo Osypenko & HE Karina Mucciacito

New Entrepreneur (NE):

Name & surname: Pavlo Osypenko
Country: Slovakia
Age: 25
Sector of activity: Social Media
Did you already start your business? Yes
Name of business/website: Lucid Visuals
What is your future business? Social Media Agency

Host Entrepreneur (HE):

Name & surname: Karina Mucciacito
Country: Spain
Sector of activity: Education
Experience in running a business (in years): 20
Name of business/website:
What is your business? Language School

Period of exchange: 07/02/2024 – 06/08/2024
Duration of exchange: 6 months

Karina Mucciacito is an experienced entrepreneur running a language school in Gran Canaria who was seeking support in digital marketing activities. Pavlo Osypenko is a would-be entrepreneur who was seeking to apply his knowledge in digital marketing and gain working experience abroad.

They got in touch through the platform in mid-November 2023 and after having an online meeting decided to collaborate on a project for Language Campus. Pavlo was motivated to apply his knowledge and build a portfolio and Karina wanted to improve her business’ social media presence.

They collaborated on the production of captivating content for various social media platforms of Language Campus. Pavlo worked closely with Language Campus’ marketing team on a daily basis under the guidance of Karina. He managed to visualize and record different series of short educational videos with LC’s teachers and document the whole process of the Summer Camp event, where he was travelling all over the island with a group of students while capturing the best moments they experienced. Additionally, Pavlo and Karina worked together on the creation of a valuable video tutorial for recruiting new staff members.

By the end of their professional relationship, Pavlo had gained the necessary practical knowledge about social media marketing and video production which he had acquired through daily interaction with Language Campus’ marketing team and Karina. A valuable asset for Pavlo is that he can use Language Campus’s social media accounts as a reference for his portfolio. That way it will help him to find clients for his own social media agency in the future. Karina also benefited from this relationship, as of now, she and her marketing team have new know-how on content creation, including new tools, strategies and content pieces, that Pavlo brought.

Concluding Remarks

Pavlo Osypenko (NE): “I highly appreciate this chance to put everything I know about digital marketing and video production into practice. Without this opportunity, it would have taken me a long time to practice with all the knowledge and equipment that Language Campus provided. This environment was a perfect preparation for my upcoming entrepreneurial journey.”

Karina Mucciacito (HE): “Having the opportunity to work with Pavlo really enriched our team and culture. His know-how and point of view added positively to the processes used in the company. We opened a new door to a future collaboration.”