Victoria Gosling (Germany) and Gijs Van Koningsveld (Netherlands) both in the publishing sector

NE Testimonial:I learned so much from my exchange. I developed new skills, gained professional confidence, and expanded my network with new contacts from all over Europe. Victoria gave me a head start with the founding of my own company and made me feel welcome in a city that has since become my second home. I’d highly recommend the programme to anyone who is serious about putting their business idea into practice.

HE testimonial: “My time with Gijs was inspiring! I continued to benefit long after the exchange had ended: I had gained a new friend, a new network, new skills and was motivated to go on and host further NEs. In the five years since Gijs was my NE, I have hosted nine New Entrepreneurs and have learnt something different from all of them! The Erasmus forYoung Entrepreneurs Programme is fantastic.”

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