New Entrepreneur (NE)
Name & surname: Dietmar Pircher
Country: Italy
Age: 25
Sector of activity: construction sector
Did you already start your business? No
Host Entrepreneur (HE)
Name & surname: Helmut Jäger
Country: Austria
Sector of activity: construction sector
Experience in running a business: 10 years
Name of business/website: www.bm-jaeger.com
Period of exchange: 03/02/2020 -16/03/2020 & 02/11/2020 – 04/12/2020
Duration of exchange: 2,5 months
Which benefits has Helmut gained from his participation in the EYE program?
Helmut Jäger is a builder in Austria and started his Erasmus exchange with Dietmar Pircher in February 2020. Their objective was to learn from each other and establish a base for possible future collaborations between South Tyrol and Italy, and in doing so, gain new insights into the two regions. What was important for Helmut Jäger was that a young entrepreneur already has experience in new construction and renovation of existing buildings. Dietmar Pircher from Italy plans to take over his father’s company which also operates in the building sector. To gain international knowledge as well as new contacts he started the exchange with Helmut Jäger.
For Dietmar, it was possible to work with individual teams on the construction site and he had the possibility to learn a lot in material calculations and work in thermal insulation. He learned to estimate the advantages and disadvantages of different insulation materials and the U-value calculation. “It was a great advantage to have a young spirit in the team and at the same time a person who already had knowledge in the construction sector,” Helmut Jäger says. “Due to Covid-19 not everything went as planned, but I got a lot of new stimuli from Dietmar´s ideas and skills – and I could get a better understanding of the South Tyrolean market and its dynamics. It was a clear asset as I was able to expand my network to potential customers in northern Italy.”