Background information of NE
Name: Enelin Mitt
Country: Estonia
Sector: Tourism
Name of Businesses / Website: Eazycampervan OÜ / www.eazycamper.ee/
Background information of HE
Name & Surname: Victoria Carreras
Country: Spain
Sector: Co-working and community building
Business / Website: Anda CoWork / www.andacowork.com
Period of Relationship: 02/12/2019 – 15/01/2020
Duration of Relationship: 2 months
How was Victoria Carreras able to attract more international customers to her business Anda CoWork?
Victoria Carreras is a great host entrepreneur who has taken part several times in the EYE programme so she has experience hosting young entrepreneurs in the last years. Her company is called Anda Coworking and there she promotes and builds a space with its own identity, through the contribution of professionals with different interests and personalities working to maximize synergies and create links.
Enelin is a new entrepreneur from Estonia who spent two months with EYE programme in Spain at Anda CoWork space with our host Victoria Carreras. The new entrepreneur has two small projects that started in 2019. One of her projects is a mobile app for unique events and the other is a custom campervans rental business. The NE found this opportunity on a very last minute through a friend and she was so motivated to take advantage of this chance. Despite the short period, they managed to work closely and completed all goals that they set. As Enelin said “I absolutely adore Anda’s team, they welcomed me so warmly and I got to practice Spanish. Thanks to this programme I even managed to get actual customers for my business!”
As Anda CoWork had the target to attract more international customers, Enelin helped them with that by creating English content for their website and social media. It is important to highlight that Anda CoWork organizes many events at the space and gave her the chance to help them. During the time spent there, Enelin worked on prototyping her own product and Victoria gave her feedback. The highlight of her time spent there is the promotional event she got to organize for her potential clients at the coworking space.
Thanks to Victoria’s help, Enelin gained a lot of confidence in continuing to work on her businesses. “Looking at what Victoria has built over the years and seeing that shining spark in her eyes, makes me push through and continue working on what I love, even if that is often not the easiest road to take. As an extra bonus I got to learn Spanish which I liked a lot. So much, that I actually decided to continue my language studies after I returned home”.
Enelin Mitt: “There is no better way to learn, than through experience. EYE gives you the hands-on opportunity and what’s most important: learn from the experience of your HE. It gives you the chance to validate your business idea, gain a vision of your goals and meet many wonderful people. I am so grateful that I found this opportunity on the very last minute and that Victoria agreed to take me in.”
Victoria Carreras: “Although this time our exchange was shorter than usual and desired, it was a great experience to have Enelin with us for those weeks. The energy that she has transmitted to us with her young experience, her security and enthusiasm in her projects. These are the values that reinforce our knowledge and create bonds in our community.”