New Entrepreneur (NE)
Name & surname: Davide Perego
Country: Italy
Age: 24
Sector of activity: Marketing Consultancy
Did you already start your business? Not yet
Name of business: F.E.Y. Marketing Consultancy
Host Entrepreneur (HE)
Name & surname: Manuel Ruiz de la Rosa
Country: Spain
Sector of activity: Environmental consulting and sustainable coastal engineering
Experience in running a business: 13 years
Name of business/website: ECOS Estudios Ambientales y Oceanografía SL / www.ecoscanarias.com
Period of exchange: 30/09/2019 to 29/03/2020
Duration of exchange: 6 months
How did Manuel and his business benefit from the EYE exchange with Davide?
Davide (NE) about the exchange:
This experience allowed me to increase my knowledge and to have a vision of the entrepreneurial reality. I have expanded my mindset from work and human point of view, having the opportunity to spend six months in a foreign country and in a wonderful region like the Canary Islands. This experience offers an exchange of knowledge, allows you to test your skills, to share and gain experience every day by facing new problems with news methods and points of view.
Manuel (HE) about the exchange:
Davide’s involvement in the tasks of the company, and his knowledge of a completely new area for our sector has allowed us to be enriched. On the one hand, we have been able to cover a new area for the company, in the sector of online marketing and communication, and we have been able to give Davide an environmental approach to his line of work.
Davide’s first activities were the introduction and analysis of characteristics and capabilities of the company, its business model, the stakeholder analysis and the peculiarities of the sectors in which the company works. Then he planned, created and developed a new website for the tech area of the enterprise, with the collaboration of another NE, specialized in IT. Davide worked on the overview of the company’s LinkedIn profile, he developed and restyled it. He then created and developed a communication plan for the following months. For this he did research to create the necessary content to be able to carry out the activities of the communication plan. This also implied direct experience with the fieldwork team. Davide also analysed the progress of the publications and created graphic content for the corporate identity of ECOS.
During the exchange, the NE’s mindset has been enriched, learning and improving a new language and staying in touch with a different culture. One of the key benefits is the growth of the Davide’s network and the ability to exchange knowledge with established entrepreneurs.
The future collaborations for the NE are developed on the network that has been built and empowered in recent months. The knowledge gained in the business sectors in which the company operates will be useful to him to increase the chances to establish a business.
Concluding Remarks
Davide Perego (NE): “A beautiful experience that has enriched everyone. Thanks to the EYE program I had the opportunity to spend the last 6 months developing my skills, sharing knowledge, and building a strong and real network of people and entrepreneurs at ECOS.”
Manuel Ruiz de la Rosa (HE): “An incredible and productive experience focused on knowledge exchange empowered by the EYE project. During the past 6 months, we have developed our skills by enriching and expanding our internationalization goals building a strong relationship with Davide.”