New Entrepreneur (NE):
Name & surname: Elīna Jēkabsone
Country: Latvia
Age: 29
Sector of activity: Education & Trainings
Did you already start your business? No
What is your future business? Youth Organisation
Host Entrepreneur (HE):
Name & surname: Diana Jašekova
Country: Slovakia
Sector of activity: Education & Trainings
Name of business/website: https://www.youthforequality.sk/
Period of exchange: 27/11/2023 – 26/04/2024
Duration of exchange: 5 months
Embracing the entrepreneurial spirit as a shortcut to unlocking hidden potential
In my journey through various career paths and educational pursuits, I’ve come to a realization that the conventional way of “climbing the corporate ladder” simply does not work for me. Unable to find an existing workplace that fits my core values and brings a deep sense of purpose, I decided to embrace my entrepreneurial spirit and take the first initial steps towards establishing my own business: a venture driven not solely by profit, but by a genuine desire to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.
As a hands-on learner, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs was the perfect opportunity for me to gain practical knowledge in the field of youth work. Throughout the exchange I was able to learn in depth about the NGO management, its daily work, challenges as well as the success stories. Collaborating closely with experienced entrepreneur and the team provided me with invaluable insights into the essential components of building a sustainable and successful youth organization, and expanded my network not only in Slovakia, but also in Europe.
My primary aim for this exchange was to gather essential insights which would help me to establish and manage my future NGO. Yet to my surprise, it unfolded into a journey far richer than expected. Engaging in diverse tasks and collaborating with individuals from varied backgrounds and experiences, I discovered profound lessons about myself, recognizing not only my strengths but also gaining insights into my work methods, enabling me to tap into personal potentials that had previously lain dormant.
Meanwhile, the HE learnt a lot about different personalities of people and how to improve communication with the team. Not from the professional point of view but also from a personal point of view, the HE understood even more how to take in consideration the needs, interests and wellbeing of employees. The HE learnt to be more flexible. So some personal attitudes have been changed. The expertise of the NE was quite wide and it helped the HE to achieve some ongoing project goals and even to come up with some new ideas and projects. In this case the HE learnt about various ways on how to accomplish these goals. The HE definitely wants to repeat this experience with a NE who has a chance to travel and leave for some time. Of course one of the most important indicators for HE is a strive for developing own business. However, all these requirements go hand in hand and a HE and NE have to be aware of all factors. Also, it is important to find a company with similar aims and activities so the results can be successful.