New Entrepreneur (NE):
Name & surname: Adriana Di Salvo
Country: Czech Republic
Age: 34
Sector of activity: e-commerce and marketing
Did you already start your business? No
Host Entrepreneur (HE):
Name & surname: Ignacio Rodriguez
Country: Spain
Sector of activity: Tourism and services
Experience in running a business (in years): 14
Name of business/website: Repeople, www.repeople.co
Period of exchange: 04/05/2021 – 01/11/2021
Duration of exchange: 5 months
How did Ignacio help Adriana find her way to a more purposeful way of living?
The project took place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, between Adriana and Ignacio (“Nacho”).
Adriana decided to participate in the EYE project to follow her dream to become a digital nomad. She quit her full time job and changed her life for something more in line with her goals and values.
Nacho is a well know ambassador of remote work and distributed teams. In the last 5 years, he has built a strong movement of digital nomads in Las Palmas thanks to Repeople annual conference and his dedication and passion in managing multiple colivings and an attractive coworking space.
Adriana and Nacho collaborated together in different projects and interesting aspects of the business. Nacho has mentored Adriana when needed to support her process of becoming an entrepreneur and Adriana was part of the Repeople community, proving great feedbacks and new ideas to generate better experiences for the current and future colivers.
The reasons to call this exchange a success are multiple.
In the first place both Adriana and Nacho developed and enriched new soft and hard skills, such as project management, community management, event organization, asynchronous communication, customer satisfaction etc.
Expectations about the project have been exceeded, as have the benefits for both NE and HE.
Adriana Di Salvo (NE): “ The EYE project has been a great professional and personal experience not just to enrich my set of skills, but also to enlarge my network while opening the door to new opportunities.”
Nacho Rodriguez (HE): “Another successful program finished. The good news is that I will continue collaborating with Adriana”