Javier Manzanares (Spain, Online Training & Tourism) and Guiseppe Belvedere (Italy, Real Estate & Sharing Economy)

New Entrepreneur (NE):
Name & surname: Javier Manzanares
Country: Spain
Age: 24
Sector of activity: Online Training and Tourism
Did you already start your business? No

Host Entrepreneur (HE):
Name & surname: Guiseppe Belvedere
Country: Italy
Sector of activity: Real Estate and Sharing Economy
Experience in running a business (in years): 4
Name of business/website: Experience Room, www.experienceroom.it
What is your business? The Experience team works every day to create a sustainable community based on the sharing of goods and services and the exchange of cultures and experiences that vary depending on own nationality, own traditions, studies and different career paths and way of life which have been made by each person. For this reason, we are aware that the greatest chance of cultural and entrepreneurial growth can also result from the ongoing confrontation with the outside world and with the creation of relationships that allow to mutually broaden perspectives, skills and competences. Therefore, we firmly believe that hosting a new entrepreneur is an important opportunity to gain new ideas, new ideas and new opportunities for our business that tests, daily, the benefits of co-planning, coliving and coworking. From this project, we also expect to accelerate our path of innovation and expansion, by establishing new contacts with foreign companies, and we believe we can derive, from this experience, a huge cultural and human enrichment.

Period of exchange: 07/06/2021 – 07/10/2021
Duration of exchange: 4 months

What were the very first steps of Javier on his way to becoming an entrepreneur?

My name is Javier, I’m from Málaga, and my dream is to manage a hotel in the countryside where the guests can be in contact with the nature and their selves. A place to meditate and contemplate the nature. I’m only 23 years old so I thought that an EYE experience would give me a lot of experience and help to start developing my project.

I´ve decided to be an entrepreneur because I think that this is the best way to have an impact in the world. As having a paper to remember to be in touch with the nature and ourselves and no so much with the social media, catastrophic news etc…

I have a friend that already knew this program, and thanks to him I participated in this beautiful experience.

As I had already been in Italy I wanted to go there to have this experience – and suddenly Giuseppe send me a message, we had a call and we had a very good engagement. Basically we talked about our goals in life and how we see the world.

I have learned a lot in Bari. With the help on the Host Entrepreneur, the experience gave me the confidence and the knowledge of how to run a business like this and showed me the first steps I have to take to develop my goals and dreams.

Basically I took over the functions of management of the apartments like check ins, control of the channel manager, creating what´s app groups etc. That gave me a lot of experience and know how.

In the future we will meet again and maybe help each other in the creation of a new business!

I´m very thankful for having this experience and I know that it has impacted my present life and will impact my future!