New Entrepreneur (NE)
Name & surname: Cristina García Montesinos
Country: Spain
Age: 26
Sector of activity: Architecture
Did you already start your business? No
Host Entrepreneur (HE)
Name & surname: Massimo Adario
Country: Italy
Sector of activity: Architecture
Name of business: Massimo Adario Architetto
Website: http://www.massimoadario.com/index.php
Period of Relationship: 21/10/2019 – 31/01/2020
Duration of Relationship: 3 months
How did Cristina gain experience in the design and management of architecture projects?
Hello everyone!
My name is Cristina, I am 26 and I am a Spanish NE. The HE is Mr. Massimo Adario of Massimo Adario Architetto, an architecture and design studio based in Rome. I applied for the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme because I wanted to get some work experience in a studio abroad.
In addition, I found so interesting the opportunity to learn how this kind of office worked from within, especially concerning the dynamics of the workers and the entry and flow of new projects.
During my stay in Massimo Adario Architetto studio, I worked on a housing project in Los Angeles. It was a very large and complex project that required many specific tasks, both in design and management.
From the hand of Massimo and his collaborators, I was able to take part in the project, working on every step taken.
I was able to learn to communicate with suppliers, customers and new collaborators, as well as to improve my skills as an architect.
I would highly recommend the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme to anyone who wants to learn about a specific field company. Broadening horizons as to what knowledge and language is about has been truly enriching.