New entrepreneur
Name & surname: Anne Vicenzotti
Country: France
Sector of activity: Cheese making
Host entrepreneur
Name & surname: Andrea Piccinato
Country: Italy
Sector of activity: Cheese making
Company name: Azienda Agricola Piccinato
Period of exchange: 07/10/2019 – 31/10/2019 and 04/01/2020 – 10/01/2020
Duration of exchange: 1 month
How did Andrea’s dairy farm benefit from the EYE exchange with Anne?
The participants have discovered the program through different means: The HE, Andrea, was contacted by CIA Agricoltori italiani partner in the OPEN-EYE 11 consortium while the NE, Anne, discovered the program talking about it with a friend. Both of them wanted to share their experiences in dairy farming with another European entrepreneur exchanging ideas on the different techniques used in their farms. The success of the relationship was due partially to the high level skill the NE has in speaking and writing Italian which helped to foster the exchange even if it lasted only one month: during the brief time they had, the entrepreneurs focused on sharing opinions about some aspects of Andrea’s farming activities and how Anne could have replicate them in her region, Brittany in France.
Andrea helped Anne in getting involved in the daily activities of his farm such as caring of the animals and milking cows. Furthermore, he gave Anne some tasks in the cheese making process (especially the labelled DOP called Montasio). Anne was able to learn how to make the dairy products she was interested in and how to implement the activity back in France concerning also the investments needed and their planning.
Anne learnt the process to produce typical Italian fresh and old cheese from Fiuli Venezia Giulia region. She got also ideas and advice on how to establish the production system. Andrea has known about French habits in dairy farming and discovered that most practices are similar in both countries even though there are geographical and climatic differences. The two entrepreneurs will be in touch in the future to establish a way of collaboration.
Concluding remarks
Anne (NE) has declared that this experience was great and she learnt very much from the farmers who helped her in understanding the difficulties and the benefits of farming activities.
Andrea (HE) together with his team has been delighted to host Anne in his farm and to exchange opinions and ideas with her. He is thinking with his team to visit Anne and the Brittany region next Spring.